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Friday, April 25, 2008

Life is not fair!

It's Friday night and i done nothing. But still i have a nice night though. Have my full dinner and some beer and now i'm four month 'pregnant'. I think you can guess how big my stomach is.

Been talking to some new friends. Lecturer and PhD student. To not name that lecturer name, he has enlighten my mind on the phase 'life is not fair, get used to it'. An argument been there where he say that if life is fair, then it will bring more unfairness. Just to give an example, if you want to make a farmer life fair, then you need to make them like a farmer. Then one should implies all that is 'farmer', then it would be not fair to others that is not farmers. Likewise saying that one should not expect a farmer to think like a professor or a professor to be like a farmer. Then where is no fairness to this both people. likewise it still does not imply that we should not fight for justice.

It might seems complicated, but if you tense to understand it, you are officially enlightened. Ha ha.... So it's good for me that life is not fair. But it does not stop me to improve and fight for justice. Yo...... Ha ha....

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