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Friday, March 13, 2009


Busy. My boss is busy. So many to do, so many to read. Well a sign of successful and promotion soon.

And for the time being waiting for his sweet time to read and mark my chapters, i will try to do stuff like;
1. Write papers
2. Write papers
3. Write papers

It seems like only write papers oh... Well ok;
4. Write papers but for conference
5. Write papers for publication locally and internationally
6. Write chapters in book on sales promotion
7. Find people that interested in writting book on sales promotion with me
8. Prepare for upcoming progress report meeting
9. Train new people on research
10. Write more papers on sales promotion in Malaysia and South East Asia

And most importantly;
1.1 Finish up my thesis
1.2 Do all necessary correction
1.3 Review and review and review
1.4 Get a job
1.5 Continue with writting PhD proposal


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